Bias correction of temperature and precipitation over China for RCM simulations using the QM and QDM methods
编号:12 稿件编号:116 访问权限:公开 更新:2021-07-27 16:37:28 浏览:1142次 口头报告

报告开始:2021年11月07日 16:00 (Asia/Shanghai)


所在会议:[S4] 全球气候变化:过去和未来 » [S4] 11.7日(下午) 议题四

Two different bias correction methods, the quantile mapping (QM) and quantile delta mapping (QDM), are applied to simulated daily temperature and precipitation over China from a set of 21st century regional climate model (the ICTP RegCM4) projections. The RegCM4 is driven by 5 different general circulation models (GCMs) under the representative concentration pathway RCP4.5 at a grid spacing of 25 km using the CORDEX East Asia domain. The focus is on mean temperature and precipitation in December-January-February (DJF) and June-July-August (JJA). The impacts of the two methods on the present day biases and future change signals are investigated. Results show that both the QM and QDM methods are effective in removing the systematic model biases during the validation period. For the future changes, the QDM preserves the temperature change signals well, in both magnitude and spatial distribution, while the QM artificially modifies the change signal by decreasing the warming and modifying the patterns of change. For precipitation, both methods preserve the change signals well but they produce greater magnitude of the projected increase, especially the QDM. We also show that the effects of bias correction are variable- and season-dependent. Our results show that different bias correction methods can affect in different way the simulated change signals, and therefore care has to be taken in carrying out the bias correction process.
Regional climate model; Bias correction; Quantile delta mapping; China

童尧 营口市气象局
高学杰 中国科学院大气物理研究所
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